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          Life   of   Tara 


Our agenda for IOM Proposal




 最近、私は、インドの友人たちとIOM Proposalという、国連改革に関する提言をまとめてWebsiteに発表しました。これに対して、言っていることはわかるが、あまりにも理想主義的で、現実的な解決策が見出せないという意見をいただきました。特に国家が解消されてそれぞれの民族に基づく自治が新しい国連のもとに統合されるという考え方には、当然様々な異論があります。現実主義者は言います。人間の本質に基づく社会の混乱は、避けられない。人間は元々こんなもの。改革は、たかが知れている。変わるべきものは徐々に変わって行く。貧富が解消されたり、国家がなくなったとしても、再び違った形での人間の権力争いが始まる、と。


  This year, I published a proposal named IOM Proposal with one of my Indian friends and a Portuguese woman. This is a proposal about UN reform.
 After publishing, someone sent e-mail to us saying that our proposal was too idealistic and unrealistic. Especially, he criticized our idea that states (nations) should cease to exist and the new autonomic organization based on each ethnic group (race) should exist under the control of New UN. The realist says as follows. That is, social turmoil based on human nature is inevitable in all ages. Human beings are such beings originally. Reform by human beings isn't worth much. Things that should change will change gradually. Even if poverty ceases to exist and states disappear in this world, power struggle of human will appear in another form again.
  Of course, we cannot deny such a thought completely. However, we fear that human beings might fall into confusion if current situation of state powers in the world continued also from now on. Now, a lot of ethnic conflicts break out all over the world and the refugee issue becomes a great problem in the world. Furthermore, some states seek to develop nuclear weapon and nuclear-weapons reduction negotiations is quite difficult to move ahead despite of the support by UN.
 Such current situation might be solved by present democratic states though it takes a lot of time. However, some democratic states have a ethnic conflict inside own state for example, Catalonia in Spain, North Britain in England, Tibet in China, Rohingya in Myanmar and Kurd in Turky, Iran, Iraq.
  As for the independence of Catalonia, as a mutter of course, Spain never admit it. Also, EU supports Spain though EU has an ideal that states inside EU should cease to exist in the future. That is, EU considers that for the time being the stabilization of current states inside EU is quite important for survival of EU. That is because current states in this globalized world have become a core of national economy where a lot of people can maintain a comfortable life economically. Therefore, it is very difficult for almost people of ethnic group to agree independence from the state. Indeed, for the time being, each state has no choice but to seek to stabilize its people's life while promoting patriotic feeling. Such promotion includes various religious confusion for example, Judaism vs Islam, Hinduism vs Islam, Buddhism vs Hinduism, Catholicism vs Protestantism, furthermore inside Islam, Shi'a vs Sunni. However, in this situation, some ethnic groups suffer from persecution and discrimination by their states as ever. What should we think of such situation in current human world?
  As I said earlier, there is one of ideas that human beings in social is such a existence that has a lot of conflicts between ethnic or religious groups, in all ages. It is right in a sense. But we think that such conflicts reach some kind of saturation point in this globalized world. Then, can't it be helped? Or should we consider what we can do under such current situation? That is the problem.
  Of course, there should be various steps so as to advance our proposal for UN, even a little. For that purpose, we should study current world situation such as conflicts among states, ethic or religious groups and we should how the market economy that globalized like that will turn out from now on.
  So, we are going to study these things as much as possible and to publish more precise IOM Proposal about UN reform, from now on.





Taranomeann for future generation






 The photo is a photo which was taken in 27 years ago when we started constructing Taranomeann. We were not able to work at Tara more than once a week. So, it took about five years for us to complete building Tara. And now, only two or three members maintain Tara. That is because almost members have their own lives and their own thought.

 All members were splendid people and have each personality. Some members were good at cutting logs with chainsaw. Some members were good at planning construction. Each member played each role for constructing Taranomeann. Therefore,we were able to complete our plan without any accident. But, later, almost members have had less time spending at Taranomeann. Their children who visited Taranomeann with their parents have grown up and they have been busy for their life, especially for them who took a lot of time to visit Tara. And above all, they seemed to begin to question my thought about maintenance of Taranomeann. I have been struggling for maintenance of Tara holding my thought that we have to make a leap forward the future based on Taranomeann. However, other membars thought that tara was a common leisure place where ordinary people spend with usual way. Of course, I won't intend to reject their thought. It is enough to use Tara like ordinary people do so, I think. But some members thought my idea on my website was not understandable a little. At the same time, they thought that Tara would have never maintained so far without my idealistic idea. Because, I have managed to visit Tara almost once a week for maintain. For that reason, conversely, they have not been able to visit Tara more than ever. I can understand their such feelings well.

 But, this time, I wrote to all members about Tara for future generation. After that, some of them visited Tara after a long interval and we chatted happily looking at photos which was taken at the beginning of construction of Tara.

 Generally, it is very difficult for more than ten people to continue some activity for tens of years together without trouble. Of course, there is a problem with me who have conducted members. That is because I have also some defects with which must have afflicted members.

  Nevertheless, Taranomeann has managed to reach here. I would like to maintain Tara from now on for future generation, while gaining understanding of members and neighbors.



    taranow   insidetara



The third visit to India






  My daughter and I visited India last December. It's seven years since I visited India last time. During these years, India has changed rapidly. For example, modern subway runs in New Delhi, express highways run even at sightseeing spots in South India and a lot of companies of advanced countries move into all areas of India. However, it is quite difficult to predict what kind of direction a modernization of India will head to.

  This time, we visited India amid a sudden financial reform and a huge typhoon. Prime minister Modi demonetized ₹500 and ₹1000 banknotes for the purpose of curbing corruption, black money and tax-avoidance tactic. Therefore, a lot of Indian people line up in front of a bank and ATM everywhere for seeking to exchange their notes. Also we foreign travelers experienced a great deal of difficulty for exchanging dollar for rupee. However, I think that Indian government had to carry out such a bold reform sometime in order to make India develop in a healthy manner.

  Now, world political situation is about to enter quite dangerous stage. China is trying to expand his power to the whole world based on Sino-centrism. Also Russia is going to maintain his power with China and future USA of Trump president-elect. But future India hold a lot of possibilities different from these big countries. Prime minister Modi is from Gujarat same as Gandhi. Gandhi preached the importance of Ahimsa (nonviorence)

  When my daughter and I visited my guru's house in Chennai of South India this time, he emphasized the similarity between Namaste and Omotenashi anew. Namaste is an original greeting of Hinduism to put both hands together, to look at a partner gently and to utter this word. This word was originated with Sanskrit. He said to me, "Na means 'not', Mah means 'mine' and Te means 'yours'. With 'Namaste' I convey, "What I have, is not mine, but it belongs to you, who are the creator and have created everything that I see around me." Namaste. By saying this, I say that I worship the Almighty residing in your heart."

  Omotenashi is Japanese. It means warm hospitality for others who visit us. The word involves the heart with which we respect others unconditionally same as Namaste. So, my guru told me that we have to aim at a framework of new peaceful reform based on the spirit of Namaste and Omotenashi for the future world. We are not able to depend on UN for the future world any more because a few countries have powers of veto in the Security Council. What kind of tasks should we do concretely for that purpose from now on? I think my guru gave me such a mission in this travel to India.

  My daughter and I came across a difficult situation of money exchange and a huge typhoon in South India. However, our Indian friends helped us with warm hospitality despite such situation. They managed to get small notes of rupee for us though it was difficult for them to get. And they drove us to various places such as sightseeing spots and airports. Thanks to them, we were able to have a nice trip. We will never forget their kindness.

  My daughter and I asked our Indian friends to stay at my house and Taranomeann by all means if they have a chance to come to Japan. We'd like to strengthen the mutual intercourse through e-mail and a local visit each other from now on.



poorna       saijo



Welcome to New Taranomeann !






 At last, I have completed repairing damaged logs around the front door. I was not able to buy new logs because I don't have much money. So, I was obliged to use well-worn short logs which were stocked under the floor. Therefore, I had a lot of trouble to change damaged logs into these old short logs.

 However, for some reason, I was often able to fit these short logs precisely in the space from which damaged logs were removed. That is, something mystical seemed to guide me to the completion of repairing Tara. It has been hot during the working at Tara. However, I have not suffered heatstroke and have not got seriously injured. As for indoor of Tara, kitchen, toilet and shower room have been already set up by last spring. In this way, the fact that I have completed repairing Tara safely seems to show that I have to do something meaningful at Tara even if I have become old.


 Of course, I am not able to do a great thing any more. But I would like to welcome people who want to feel at ease through fresh air and fine view at Tara. Furthermore, I hope that someday younger people of next generation will gather at Tara in order to discuss human being's future cheerfully.

 However, before that, we who have struggled to repair Tara might pass away. And sometime Tara might collapse too by being weathered. Nevertheless, I would like to make Tara a splendid place for people who try to think about human being's future by using ordinary life's simple language.


 But that is my ideal. For the time being, I would like people to enjoy here and to open their hearts each other. If you have a chance to come to Chiba, please drop in at Tara anytime. There is nothing but fresh air and fine view here. But we would like you to drink a cup of delicious coffee comfortably here.




Restration of Tara has started again






 I had an operation of cataract in the middle of this February. The operation succeeded safely but I experienced a severe and deep pain. No matter how rapidly medical technology advances, using a surgical knife on the critical place of human body involves substantial risk, I think. However the operation of my eyes has succeeded fortunately and I am going to restart repairing damaged logs around the front door. Around the time of the operation, I visited Tara and put various instruments such as nails and screws in order by using plastic boxes. And I maintained tools such as chain saw and chisels. As a result, I was able to restart repairing damaged logs by taking such appropriate measures.

 Somehow, I have been able to maintain Tara alone so far. I made a detail schedule for maintenance of Tara like Robinson who led a lonely life in the solitary island far off in the ocean. Like Robinson, I sometimes reached a deadlock of the restoration of Tara. However, I have managed to break the deadlock like him so far. I don't know why I was able to do so. But I am sure that a human being originally has power to solve the problem even if his detail schedule won't go well as expected.


 By the way, I usually get back home from Tara through the comfortable green road. Sometimes I met a stray dog there. The stray dog is white and middle sized. He always stands quietly in front of a long hedge. I wondered who lived in the house enclosed in the long hedge. I didn't think inhabitants in this house had that dog for pet even if they might sometimes feed him. That dog must be a stray dog around there. In spite of it, that dog somehow stands in front of the long hedge when I pass by there by my car. And he always keeps staring in my direction till my car passes in front of the long hedge. I murmured in my mind as follows. Stray dog, who are you? Have I been straying as ever too?



nail auntdoll

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